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The group's debut album for Fontana, Four-Calendar Cafe, was released in October 1993. Its gossamer melodies and largely upbeat pop hide the turmoil the group were going through. Barney Hoskyns, writing in Mojo, said that Four-Calendar Café was "the most poignant, heartrending Cocteaus record of all, an album of naked confession and raw beauty . . . Sadness never sounded so luscious." Simon Raymonde agreed: "I think in time people will realise what a great album Four-Calendar Café is. Because I think it's beautiful." Led by the single Evangeline, the reached No. 13 in the UK album chart and is much-loved by fans.



Know Who You Are At Every Age / Evangeline / Bluebeard / Theft, And Wandering Around Lost / Oil Of Angels / Squeeze-Wax / My Truth / Essence / Summerhead / Pur

COCTEAU TWINS - Four-Calendar Cafe

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