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Galena Sphalerite Quartz is a mix of minerals. The Quartz gives the "snowy" presence to the other minerals. Sphalerite when pure (small iron deposits) forms clear crystals, but with a higher iron inclusion it forms dark, opaque metallic crystals known as "Marmatite".

Galena is latin for "lead sulfide". This piece was mined in Madan, Bulgaria.


Usually associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras, providing grounding and decisive power. It can promote a positive attitude and clarity of thought.


Good for:

Balancing the immune system

treating eye disorders

Balancing nutrient absorption


**Important**All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their nurse or doctor in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic healthcare practice and any type of crystal healing should be carried out by a qualified crystal healing practitioner.



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